Our First Step, Belong, is a class where you will find out about the history and future of Fuego--and learn how you and your family belong in the story of this local church!
Begins Nov 3, 10:30 am
Once you have completed the First Step, this next step, Believe, takes you into a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of our faith and covers the core beliefs that make up the culture of Fuego Church!
Begins October 2, 7:00 pm
Registration Closed
Become whom God has called you to be through bible-based leadership teaching covering practical, ethical, and spiritual aspects of everyday life.
Begins October 2, 7:00 pm
Registration Closed
Begin is a class to help you grow in your new faith journey and to help you learn and understand the next steps as a new believer. We are so excited for your new beginning!
Begins October 2, 7:00 pm
Registration Closed
Water Baptism is a public declaration of three very important things; You are a follower of Jesus Christ, You are beginning a changed life in Christ, and You are part of a new family.
Are you ready to make an impact and get involved? We are people who love to use our gifts and passions to serve! Let us help you find your spot!
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